I'm hearing a lot about manga lately. It seems that this national trend is really catching on here. Kids are talking about
One Piece,
Azumanga Daioh,
Hibiki's Magic,
Death Note, and some other ones I can't think of right now.
For those of you that don't know, manga is a kind of Japanese graphic novel that reads back to front and from top right to top left on a page. It takes some getting used to. For the most part, I think the translations are really well done (on the ones I've read, anyway), and I can see why kids would like the One Piece story (it's about pirates... what's not to love? :P )
Anyway, we don't have any of these series in Allerton Library right now, for three reasons: 1) Cost, 2) Space restrictions, and 3) Lack of demand. Since #3 is no longer the case, I'm wondering now if maybe I could find the money and the space for at least one series. The question is, which one?
I need help, everybody. Please, let me know what kind of manga you want, or what kind your kids/friends/whoever reads.