Thursday, March 15, 2012

Busier and Busier

I feel like I'm catapulting into springtime with all the stuff that's happening here at the library! First, I've been really busy preparing this Saturday's Hunger Games party. It's at 11 a.m. for tween & teens who have read the books. We're giving away lots of prizes and we will have cool activities and snacks. Registration is a must!

I'm also planning out April's American Girl Tea Party (April 14), the Library Luau on May 12, and of course the 8-week summer reading program starting on June 4. On top of that, I've been getting a lot of special requests for books outside our local system since Champaign and Urbana got their own computer software, so that takes up a lot of time... and I've been trying to learn new songs and flannelboard routines for my weekly storytimes and lap times to keep them fresh. Phew!

I'm also working on ordering some new books so we have cool shiny things for people to check out when they come in for the programs. Let me know if there's something new and interesting for kids that caught your eye, and I will try to add it in.

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